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Danielle Mandarino
What is the story behind the name Hiawatha Healings?The story behind the name "Hiawatha Healings" is beautifully captured in an essay written by my daughter when she was in the 6th grade. Her words perfectly convey its meaning and inspiration. The story includes themes of transformation, miracles, peace and unity, which are particularly relevant and essential in today's world. As individuals, we have the power to change for the better, reach out fullest potential, and create a brighter future for the generations to come. Hiawatha and the Peacemaker Essay: My mom had a vision of a Native American Chief who told her he was Hiawatha. That lead to her being told the true story of Hiawatha and the Peacemaker, which was then told to me. The birth of the Peacemaker was miraculous. People thought he was a being of the stars; he was very special but also had a speech impediment. He traveled on a stone canoe and chose Hiawatha, who was a Mohawk warrior to travel with him to five nations that were fighting with each other to relay his special message of peace. Hiawatha had lost his family in a war with the Evil Chief Tadohaho. The Peacemaker and Hiawatha traveled to the Cayuga, Oneida, Seneca, and the Onondaga tribes. Hiawatha delivered the Peacemaker’s message “We must stop our fighting it will only harm us and mother earth. We shall join together to change the Evil Chief Tadohaho”. The Peacemaker proved his words were true and that he was able to perform miracles by climbing on the tallest pine tree and surviving when the men chopped it down. Chief Tadodaho was defeated, and they all buried their weapons under the white pine tree, called the Tree of Peace. Tadohaho was transformed with a new mind and deer antlers were placed on his head. An eagle soared above the Tree of Peace and the five nations lived together in harmony. This was the beginning of The Great Law of Peace and Iroquois Confederation which influenced the U.S. Constitution. References: Robertson, Robbie. Hiawatha and The Peacemaker Abrams Books for Young Readers, 2015
What is Hypnosis? How does it work?Hypnosis is natural, safe and effective! It is a relaxed but focused state of attention and heightened suggestibility. It is widely recognized as an altered state of consciousness or trance state. Within this relaxed but focused state, our subconscious mind becomes more accessible. Interestingly, we experience light hypnosis on numerous occasions throughout the day, such as during daydreaming, driving, jogging, and upon awakening in the morning, when we feel remarkably at ease but also fully in command of our bodies. Hypnotherapy harnesses the power of hypnosis for therapeutic purposes. It's important to note that our subconscious mind governs approximately 95% of our brain's capacity, influencing our habits, beliefs, behaviors, emotions, memory retention, and even runs our autonomic nervous system. This is precisely why hypnosis proves to be highly effective in facilitating personal transformation. Hypnosis allows us to bypass the conscious or critical mind and directly engage with the subconscious mind. In doing so, it creates an opportunity to reprogram outdated patterns that no longer benefit us and connect with our higher selves. During this process, a skilled hypnotherapist offers suggestions, and since you are in control, you have the freedom to accept or reject these suggestions, therefore, your willingness to participate plays a significant role in shaping the outcome. Ultimately, you make the decision to create new narratives that can bring about profound positive changes and enhance your life.
What is a Past Life Regression? What are the benefits?Past life regression is a therapeutic technique used to explore and uncover memories or experiences that are believed to be from past lives. The purpose of past life regression varies from person to person. Some seek it out of curiosity, wanting to explore their past lives and gain a deeper understanding of themselves. Others may use it as a tool for personal growth, healing unresolved issues, or overcoming phobias and fears. Here are some key benefits: 1. Self-Discovery: Gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your patterns, and relationships. 2. Healing and Resolution: Address unresolved issues, traumas, and emotional blockages for personal transformation. 3. Overcoming Phobias and Fears: Uncover the root causes of unexplained fears to overcome limitations. 4. Spiritual Growth: Deepen your connection with your higher self and gain insights into your soul's journey. 5. Relationship Dynamics: Understand and heal relationship patterns, conflicts, and karmic ties. 6. Unleashing Talents and Skills: Discover hidden potentials and enhance present abilities. 7. Soul Purpose and Life Direction: Gain clarity on your life purpose and align choices with your soul's evolution. 8. Emotional and Mental Well-being: Identify root causes of emotional and mental challenges for healing and growth. These benefits can lead to personal growth, self-awareness, and a more fulfilling life.
What is a Life Between Lives (LBL) Regression?Life Between Lives regression is a powerful therapeutic technique that connects you to your soul's awareness by delving into the spiritual realm between lifetimes. This guided process takes you on a journey through childhood memories, the womb, past life experiences, and ultimately to the spiritual planes of existence. Through this process, you can gain valuable insights into your soul's journey and purpose and reach a heightened level of consciousness that allows you the opportunity to communicate with spirit guides, past loved ones, soulmates, soul groups, and even consult with advanced spiritual masters. The LBL session is a thorough and in-depth experience that can last up to 5 hours. This includes a consultation, initial assessment, regression, and post-interview. Before the regression, we will discuss any questions you may have, and these will be integrated into the session to ensure a personalized and tailored experience. A little history: The National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists (NATH) was the first organization to offer training and certification for the Life Between Lives process. As a proud member of this esteemed organization, I have been thoroughly trained and certified through their program, ensuring the highest level of credibility and quality standards. In 2001, the first training course was jointly led by the late Dr. Michael Newton and the late Dr. Allen Chips, the pioneering figures of Life Between Lives. While Dr. Newton later established his own organization, NATH remains at the forefront by combining the methods of these two pioneers. This results in a client-centered approach, that allows for a diverse range of spiritual experiences during each session.
What are the benefits of a Life Between Lives (LBL) Regression?Anyone with a curiosity about their soul's journey, spiritual growth, or a desire to explore their life's purpose can benefit from LBL regression. It can be particularly valuable for individuals seeking personal transformation, healing, or guidance on their spiritual path and those seeking to answers life’s deepest questions. Here are some key benefits: 1. Soul-level insights: Gain a deeper understanding of your soul's purpose, lessons, and karmic connections. It can reveal patterns and themes that span across lifetimes. 2. Spiritual growth: By exploring the spiritual realm, you can connect with your higher self, guides, and spiritual teachers. This can lead to profound personal and spiritual growth. 3. Healing unresolved issues: It allows you to address unresolved emotions, traumas, and patterns that may have carried over from past lives. This healing can positively impact your current life. 4. Expanded consciousness: You are tapping into expanded states of consciousness, allowing you to acquire into higher wisdom, universal knowledge, and a greater sense of interconnectedness. 5. Release fear of death: Experiencing the continuation of consciousness beyond physical death during session can help alleviate the fear of death and provide comfort and peace.
What are the benefits of paying attention to our nightly Dreams?For centuries Indigenous and ancient cultures across the world understood the importance of our dreams. Dreams help us connect with ourselves and the entire community. Our ancestors paid close attention to their dreams for good reason. Dreams were considered sacred messages from your soul where you received great wisdom and vital information for your survival on earth. This can also be applied to the modern world we live in today. Dreams can offer several benefits, to include: 1. Self-Exploration: Dreams serve as a mirror to your innermost thoughts, desires, and fears. Through dreams, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your relationships, and your life's purpose. 2. Emotional Healing: Dreams often reflect unresolved emotions and past experiences. By engaging in your dreams, you can process and heal emotional wounds, fostering personal growth and well-being. 3. Problem-Solving: Dreams can offer creative solutions to real-life challenges. Through dreamwork techniques, both ancient and modern, you are able to tap into the wisdom of your dreams, finding innovative approaches to problem-solving. 4. Spiritual Connection: Dreams have long been regarded as a bridge between the conscious and spiritual realms. Paying attention to your dreams can assist you in connecting with your spirituality, uncovering deeper insights, and experiencing profound moments of transcendence.
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